Dental Bytes

the Sonic Spa Pro: What Can it Clean?

The Sonic Pro: which Dental Appliances Can it C...

What Dental Appliances can the Sonic Pro clean?

The Sonic Pro: which Dental Appliances Can it C...

What Dental Appliances can the Sonic Pro clean?

Caring for your Invisalign

How to Clean Your Invisalign

Brushing vs. Dental Cleaning Tablets vs. the Sonic Pro - which is the most effective for cleaning your Invisalign aligners?

How to Clean Your Invisalign

Brushing vs. Dental Cleaning Tablets vs. the Sonic Pro - which is the most effective for cleaning your Invisalign aligners?

How to clean and maintain your Night Guard

The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Your Dental N...

The importance of keeping your Night Guard clean and how you can use the Sonic Pro to both clean and disinfect in 3 minutes.

The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Your Dental N...

The importance of keeping your Night Guard clean and how you can use the Sonic Pro to both clean and disinfect in 3 minutes.

Caring For Your Dental Appliance

Caring For Your Dental Appliance

How well are you looking after your Dental Appliance? Read on as we share the ultimate guide to caring for your aligners, retainers, whitening trays and more. 😁

Caring For Your Dental Appliance

How well are you looking after your Dental Appliance? Read on as we share the ultimate guide to caring for your aligners, retainers, whitening trays and more. 😁